Monday, December 3, 2007

Build a Cross Sound Tunnel

across New York's Long Island Sound
connecting I-287 with Route 135

Suggested Tunnel Configuration for I-287 Cross Sound Tunnel connecting Westchester County and Long Island, N.Y.

This would connect existing I-287 with Route 135 in Long Island.

It would be drilled over 100 feet beneath the underwater surface.

Is being proposed by Polimeri International, a family owned Garden City, LI based development company.

It would be built with private funds, and charge a toll of $25 for passenger automobiles and an upwards of $100 for trucks.

It would be a useful evacuation route- a concept that the government has paid lip service.

N.Y. State Senator Carl Marcellino (R- Syosset) has announced hearings to be held on this proposal.

Daily News article
The Cross Sound Link Project