Saturday, December 27, 2014

Minimal Parking Subvert Diversity

Discourage families, the arts via denying pace for collectible automobiles and denying potential storage space, making a less diverse more transient neighborhood, is it any wonder that 'new urbanists' position for maximizing developer profits.
  1. Mary said at 3:03 pm on Friday December 5, 2014:
    I also live in SW and agree with DC225. I think this new trend towards buildings with very few spaces tends to assume that all residents will always be 24 year olds with jobs and friends all right in the city and disinclined to take on the expense of a car. SW is an interesting case because it has a really long standing set of residents and isn’t too high turnover (we’ll see if that changes when the Wharf and its micro-units arrive). In my observation, people do tend to drive more when their household expands and they’re buying groceries and things for more than one person, when they have kids, when friends move to the suburbs, when they’re no longer in the metro-accessible job they had when they bought their place and now have to drive…And accomodating a place to put a car does allow people to stay in a building and community they like even when other lifestyle factors change. And construction that helps build permanent rather than transient neighborhoods that accomodate a mix of families and ages is a really useful thing.