Listen Robert Moses by Bob Dylan
Listen Robert Moses, listen if you can.
It's all about our neighborhoods that you are trying to condemn.
We aren't going to sit back and see our homes torn down
So take your superhighway and keep it out of town.
We won't be moved, buddy, we won't be moved.
We're fighting for our rights and we won't be moved.
We're fighting for our rights from our heads to our shoes.
We're fighting for our homes and we aren't going to lose.
For twenty years there's been a shadow hanging round
That any day the bulldozers will throw our houses down.
We're going to lift the shadow once and for all good
We don't want a superhighway, we want a neighborhood.
Some of use are young and none of us are old.
But none of us like to be thrown out in the cold.
Are we squatters in the city that we are living in?
Will we stand up for our rights or be scattered in the wind?
Up and down Mulberry, Delancy Street, you hear our voices sing.
From Elizabeth to Thompson, to Varick Street and Broome.
We're trying to have our streets from that superhighway down.
Too many other people have been driven from their doors
To make room for some highway or else some fancy stores.
They've been forced to leave their homes and all their roots
And dwell in housing projects, the reservation kind.
Its time to make a stand, it's time to try and give
This here neighborhood of ours before it lands down in the grave.
So hold up your banners and raise them to the wind
We'll stand here and fight, and fight until we win.
Joint Committee To Stop The Lower Manhattan Expressway
378 Broome Street