Tuesday, March 25, 2008

'Conjestion Pricing' Tax Scheme's Disregard Highway Planning

Proposed new tax schemes to fleece vehicularists -- $2.75 billion annually around and within Washington, D.C. -- with ZERO capacity additions.

Report for the Greater Washington, D.C. 'Council of Governments' limits new lanes to a single new I-395 Virgina HOV/HOT lane, and NONE anywhere within Washington, D.C.

Yet it's estimated $2.75 billion revenue intake could pay for a $25 billion capacious primarily existing corridor footprint new design underground Washington, D.C. "Big Dig" with a linear park covered "North Central Freeway" multi-model Grand Arc Mall Tunnel that includes an undergrounded and capacity added Red Line (Metropolitan Branch B&O Corridor) connection to an underground 'Inner Loop' described here....

Nonetheless the 'COG' report bears false witness about the physical feasibilities any such highways -- a Washington, D.C. "Big Dig" enjoys far more favorable soil conditions than Boston's.

Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Bloomberg is pushing hard for such a program with likewise ZERO highway additions- despite the clear needs and feasibilities.

The problem is not physical, but rather political.

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