TSTC Continues to Pretend to Support Comprehensive Transport Including Rail
Can Tappan Zee Bridge Replacement Reverse Legacy of the 60-Year-Old Span?
The Tappan Zee Bridge shaped the region in a car-dependent fashion. If the bus system recommended by the Governor’s Mass Transit Task Force is fully implemented, the New NY Bridge could help to re-shape the region with less emphasis on the automobile. In addition to simply providing an alternative to driving, exclusive bus lanes, along with transit oriented, mixed-used development near transit can transform the future of the Hudson Valley into one that is more equitable, more environmentally friendly and more sustainable.
They should write "automobile" dependent rather than car dependent, as trains include train cars.
Nonetheless the article pretends that groups as TSTC have consistently lobbied for rail when in actuality they threw in the towel with the change in planning cir 2012.
I made this comment, which simply disappears:
Let us not forget how groups as TSTC threw in the towel on comprehensive rail capacity expansion regarding the new TPZ Bridge project, and why:
Other links regarding this:
This was ignored by TSTC and the other supposedly 'progressive' liberal environmentally oriented groups involved with influencing transportation policy.